What's the Value?

We are dedicated to the Spirit to Serve.

What does that mean to you, as an associate of Marriott Vacations Worldwide? What is this spirit, and how do we live by it? Let's start with what we mean by Serve:

S helter and Food We are dedicated to the idea that everyone deserves food and shelter, and give back to our communities to aid those in need.
E nvironment We are custodians of our environment, and take measures on all levels to keep our environmental impact low, and our business green.
R eadiness for hotel careers Career Development is an important part of service and is part of all departments in Marriott Vacations Worldwide including Owner Services.
V itality for children We believe in health and vitality for all children, and participate in charities and programs promoting health and wellness for our youth, worldwide.
E mbracing global diversity and inclusion We celebrate and encourage diversity and inclusion with all cultures and ideas, worldwide, and maintain a welcoming environment for all.

We asked a few of our associates around the world to share some thoughts or examples of how they embody the Spirit to Serve.

The Puerto Rico Owner Services team does much community work; recently we participated with Escape a non-profit organization against child abuse by organizing a play date for children that come from low income communities that lack many essential resources. With a group of 35 children from all ages, we conducted games that all the children really enjoyed. Overall they had a great experience and learned a lot, and we look forward to volunteering in the near future.
– Eddie Nieves, Puerto Rico and Caribbean Owner Services

Kids and Parachute

The Mexico City Office has made donations to the Foundation called Pro-Niños de la Calle, which provides food, education and shelter to children who live in the streets because they left their broken homes or were abandoned by their families. Some of us had the marvelous opportunity to be volunteers for a day; the experience was wonderful and extra meaningful. It enhanced my life by making me notice I am very lucky to have a family that loves me and also made me realize that, most of the time, I do not take the time to appreciate the fortune it is not to suffer from starvation or cold. Nowadays, I treasured the fact that I get to sleep in a cozy home and a comfortable bed every night.

These children taught me so much more than I could even think. I learned to judge less and cherish more; they showed me that what they need the most is not the food and shelter the foundation can give them, but the affection and care they can receive in there. Let's give our children love and affection, they all have a promising future, they just need us to show them the right way.
– Montserrat Cosío, Mexico Owner Services

In Mexico Owner Services office we have also done many initiatives for Environment such as creating our own paper sheets from recycled paper. We separate the trash in organic and inorganic. We participated in a race called “Live Earth” in 2010. The purpose of this race was to run a distance that was equivalent to the distance that poor people who live in distant communities need to walk in order to get water for living. Funds were collected per each person participating to help those communities to get a better way of living.
– Liliana Rivas, Mexico Owner Services

Employees Walking