Training Theme

Training Theme

What is PLEASED? Can you remember the words in PLEASED? We all went through the training, but it's not always easy to remember everything we've been trained on, in the hectic day-to-day work pace we all face. Let's take a moment to go over the parts of PLEASED, and refresh on what they mean, and how we can employ this technique every day.

P ersonalize Personalize your conversation with everyone you encounter. We love your personality, and want you to shine through. Make it personal with your Owner. By personalizing your conversation with your Owner, you are reminding them that they, like you, are an individual, and you are there to help them.
L isten Listen to your Owner. You may feel like the problems you see every day are repeated over and over, or that you know what to do before the Owner finishes explaining; after all, you are the expert. However, their problems are going to be unique to them, and may involve more than you realize. Listen carefully so you know all the details. Even if your initial hunch was right, show respect by listening to what your Owner has to say. That way, you have all of the information, and you’ve established trust.
E mpathize We all know how we like to be treated, and how much it helps to have someone understand how you are feeling. When an Owner calls you with a problem, you may not be the cause, but you can help be the solution. Try to understand where your Owner is coming from. We aren't always at our best when we're upset, or feel like something important is out of control.
A pologize If an Owner calls with a problem, then they have already been inconvenienced. Regardless of who is at fault, acknowledging their frustration with a simple apology. Apologizing reinforces that we care about the Owner's concerns, and that we want to solve the problem.
S olve It may seem obvious, but when an Owner comes in with a problem, we need to solve it. Most problems are well within our power to resolve without escalation. By doing everything you can to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently, you show the Owner that we care, and will be fair with them. Remember, at Marriott Vacations Worldwide, we always do the right thing.
E liminate the Problem A temporary solution is never enough to resolve a long term problem. Do your best to eliminate the problem that caused the Owner difficulty in the first place. Often, this is just a matter of educating the Owner, or updating a vital piece of information in their account. By eliminating the cause of the problem, you are solving future problems before they even arise.
D ocument Document both the problem, and the solution. Documentation is so important, because when our Owner calls back, you may not be the one they speak to. By documenting the problem, and what was done to resolve it, you can help resolve future issues before they arise with other associates, and pick up where another associate may have left off. Documentation is about preventing problems from arising in the future.

Remember, great service matters. By incorporating the PLEASED technique, being personal, listening to the problem, empathizing with your Owner, apologizing for the issue, solving the problem, eliminating the root cause, and documenting what you've done, you will make a dramatic improvement in our Owner's satisfaction. We want to give our Owners the best service, every day. By keeping our Owners satisfied, even when problems arise, we assure the long term success of our company.