The Golden Circle is an important concept in the Balanced Approach. The outside of the circle represents “What.” Every company can tell you what they do. For Marriott Vacations Worldwide, what we do is build beautiful resorts and sell vacation ownership. “How” is understood by most companies. It represents how they are different from other companies who offer the same thing. For us, “How” would be our mission statement – “Deliver unforgettable experiences that make vacation dreams come true.” It is this focus on the experience and the people that deliver it that separates us from other vacation ownership companies.

Balanced Approach

What many companies do not understand is “Why.” Why do they do what they do? Why do they exist, and why should anyone care. This speaks to what you value as a company, and more importantly what you believe in. The Why is particularly important in inspiring loyalty. Customers are loyal not because of what you do or even how you do it. They are loyal to what you believe and what you value. For Marriott Vacations Worldwide, our Why comes down to our core values, specifically our last one “We transform people’s lives.” We believe in the importance of vacations in changing the lives of our owners, but also in changing the lives of our associates through opportunity and growth.

The Golden Circle can also be applied to individuals. When you’re working with someone, whether they’re a customer or a colleague, they will always tell you What they want. They may even tell you How they want it. They don’t always tell you their underlying motivation, or their Why.

The best way to figure out their Why, or what is important to them, is to build a relationship. You do that by first establishing trust. Sharing your own thoughts and feelings is a good way to open dialogue with them and to show them that you care.

Balanced Approach