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Banking & Borrowing Deadlines and Rules Changes

Banking Your Club Points
Many of our Member families are choosing to bank their Club Points for special occasions such as multi-week long-haul trips or family reunions or celebrations. As we have seen, these larger point trips tend to be booked out farther in advance, so we have revised our banking policy as follows:

Banking Deadline by Club Member Benefit Level (beginning 15 December 2016)
Benefit Level Member & Select Executive, Presidential, Chairman's Club
Deadline to Bank Club Points 6 months prior to expiration of Use Year 4 months prior to expiration of Use Year

Banked points may no longer revert back to the current Use Year. If you find that you have already banked your Club Points but would like to make a reservation in the current Use Year, our new more flexible borrowing rules outlined below may be a good option for you.

Beginning 15 December 2016, Presidential benefit level Members will be able to bank their Club Points for a longer period of time, extending the expiration date by 1½ Use Years instead of 1 Use Year, and Chairman's Club level Members will be able to bank for a period of 2 Use Years.

Borrowing Your Club Points
Spontaneity sometimes leads to the most memorable holidays. For those times when our Club Members have enjoyed all of their current Use Year Club Points, but want to continue to travel, we have greatly expanded our borrowing policy.

  • Starting 15 December 2016, Members will be able to borrow all or a portion of the Club Points allocated for a particular Use Year up to 25 months in advance of the beginning of the Use Year that is being borrowing from. This is possible because Members are permitted to borrow up to 12 months from the planned check-in date, which can be up to 13 months from the day the reservation is made. For example:

    Mr. Kim is an Executive level Member with a Use Year from 1 January to 31 December. On 1 December 2017, he calls to make a reservation for six nights checking in 1 January 2019. He does not have enough Club Points remaining in the 2019 Use Year for the reservation and would like to borrow from his 2020 allocation. He borrows 1,000 Club Points to complete the reservation, 25 months prior to the beginning of his 2020 Use Year.
  • Members will no longer need to prepay Maintenance Fees on borrowed Club Points*
  • If a reservation is cancelled within 60 days of arrival, borrowed Club Points will be transferred into the Club Member's Holding Account but will retain the expiration date of the Use Year from which they are borrowed.