Training Tips

Training Tips


Do you ever pull into your driveway at the end of the day and realize that you do not remember the drive home? Because we make the same drive so often there are times we may go into autopilot mode and not pay attention to our surroundings or the details of the drive. This type of situation can occur at work when you are performing the same transaction repeatedly. As an example, we may go into autopilot mode when banking Vacation Club Points for our Owners or quoting the banking deadline. It is important to not fall into the cycle of repeating the same information automatically since not every banking deadline is the same nor is every Owner call.

The deadline for banking Vacation Club Points is either 6 months prior to the end of the Owner's Use Year or 4 months prior to the end of the of the Use Year for Executive, Presidential and Chairman's Club Level Owners. Please remember that this does not mean that there are only two possible deadlines. It is important to look at the Owner's Use Year since not all Use Years follow the traditional calendar year of January 1st to December 31st. The deadline will differ for Owners with non-traditional Use Years. October 1st to September 30th is an example of a non-traditional Use Year. In order to avoid quoting incorrect dates, verify the deadline by using your resources in MySource. Make sure to proactively educate Owners on their banking deadline to avoid confusion or missed deadlines.

Deadlines at a Glance

It is important to take the time to review the banking rules with the Owner to verify they want to proceed with the transaction. Even if the Owner has previously banked Vacation Club Points, we need to provide this information since banking is an irreversible procedure. Banking Use Rules:

  • Banked Vacation Club Points cannot be banked again
  • Transactions is final
  • Banked Vacation Club Points cannot be borrowed
  • Banked Vacation Club Points cannot be transferred to another Owner
  • Expiration date of banked Points:
    • 1 year for Owner, Select and Executive Levels
    • 18 months for Presidential Level
    • 2 years for Chairman’s Club Level

Banking Vacation Club Information

Siebel is a vital part of every Owner call and banking calls are no exception. Whether you are banking the requested Vacation Club Points for an Owner or advising the Owner of the banking deadline, you will always document in Siebel. It is important to have a record of your conversation with the Owner. MySource has a Siebel Quick Reference section that serves as a guide to providing, and documenting, the required information.

Siebel Documentation