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Fees and Dues

To ensure that the ratio of annual Club Dues per point that you pay is consistent with the redenomination, beginning with your 2017 usage (invoice to be received in late 2016) you'll see that the Club Dues calculation will also be impacted by a factor of 10. Please refer to the example below, where we show the new calculation based on 2015 Club Dues:

(AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2015)
Club Dues of US$0.03375 per point
US$0.03375 per point x 30,000 Points = $1,012.50
Club Dues of US$0.3375 per point
US$0.3375 per point x 3,000 Points = $1,012.50

Many of our Members own multiple holiday ownership products. Therefore we will also be aligning some of our terminology to make it more consistent. Starting on 31 December 2015, the term “Annual Dues” will be used in place of "Club Dues" in the Club Governing Documents, and Annual Dues will commonly be referred to as "Maintenance Fees." Please be aware that this is only a terminology change and has no impact on the dollar amount of the fees.

Note: If you have not received your 2016 Club Dues invoice yet, it should be arriving in the mail shortly. As the annual amount is unchanged and unaffected by this announcement, please be sure to pay the full amount by the due date on your invoice if you have yet to do so.
