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Important News: Website Information Complete

In early December, you received a communication regarding the redenomination of your Club Points to align with Marriott Vacation Club's other global timeshare products. If you happened to miss the announcement, please click here to see a copy.

We are happy to inform you that the redenomination of your Club Points has been made and your redenominated Club Point allocation is reflected in your web account.

Changes You Will See

  • Your Club Point allocation has been divided by ten.
  • Club Resort Property & Club Connections usage charts have been divided by a factor of ten.
  • Your Marriott Rewards trade ratio has been adjusted accordingly.
  • You will now see the equivalent changes reflected on your Maintenance Fees (formerly called Club Dues) if you have an outstanding balance. As a reminder, this change has no overall effect on the dollar amount.
  • The Travel Demand Index (TDI) charts used to determine the number of Club Points needed for you to make an Interval International exchange were divided by 10.

As a reminder, the amount of holiday time you will receive for your Club Points annually is the same, and you can continue to enjoy your membership today as you have done in the past (subject to availability and the Member's preferences).

Should you have any questions, as always, you can contact Member Services.

We are excited to have completed this first step towards improved alignment and look forward to helping you create more memories that will last a lifetime.


Dom Albanese
Regional Vice President, Marketing, Sales & Service
