The Lion & Crown Travel Co., LLC
Dear [Member Name],

As you are likely aware, as of December 2014, all Members of The Ritz-Carlton Destination Club now have the ability to take advantage of exchange opportunities within the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Exchange Program by enrolling in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program, should they choose to do so. Utilizing the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations exchange option enables Members who enroll in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program the ability to deposit a week or more of their allocated time, on a completely voluntary basis, and receive exchange points for use within the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Exchange Program.

Members who are not already enrolled in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program may begin the enrollment process now. In order to complete the enrollment process, you will need to indicate your acceptance. Below is a link to various documents related to enrolling in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program. Once you have opened and printed the documents accessed through the links, and reviewed and accepted the below Enrollment Terms and Conditions, click on the "I Accept" button. As soon as your enrollment is finalized, an email acknowledgment of the enrollment will be sent to you for your records.

Enrollment Terms & Conditions

Please allow me to extend a reminder that although the deadline to deposit use rights associated with allocated time occurring in the 2015 CALENDAR year would normally have closed on September 30, 2014, this deadline has been extended to February 28, 2015 for Members of The Ritz-Carlton Club, Aspen Highlands, The Ritz-Carlton Club, Lake Tahoe, The Ritz-Carlton Club, San Francisco and The Ritz-Carlton Club, St. Thomas who are enrolled in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program; however, the deposit window to deposit such allocated time will be closed no less than 45 days in advance of the arrival date of the allocated time to be deposited. For all future years, the deposit windows will be as set forth in the applicable exchange documents in place from time to time.

If you have any questions regarding the information above, the Ladies and Gentlemen of Member Services are available to assist. In addition, if you would like to learn more about the exchange options that you would have access to if you enroll in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program, including the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Exchange Program and the Explorer Collection, they will be delighted to provide you with additional information.

As a reminder, just like enrollment in The Lion & Crown Exchange Program, your annual election to deposit your allocated time in exchange for a reservation through the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Exchange Program is completely voluntary. If you are not interested in participating, you may continue to utilize your Membership just as you have in the past.

Warmest Regards,
Eveleen Babich
Eveleen Babich
General Manager
The Lion & Crown Travel Co., LLC

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